Is Our Climate Really In Crisis?

Climate change is on the lips of everyone, from corporate and government leaders to family members around your dinner table.  Opinions, assumptions, and rumor are epidemic creating a massive deluge of unreliable information.  How serious is the threat of climate change and how realistic is it to think that we can reverse it… or even slow it down?

Environmental expert, Lella Lowe, will be at the KPNC to answer these questions and bring some clarity about our climate.  Lella was a founding member of the Mobile Environmental Justice Action Coalition in 2014, a member of the inaugural class of the EPA’s Environmental Justice Academy in 2016/17, and received certification by The Climate Reality Project in March of this year.  Lella’s informative and straight-forward presentation will address the reality of climate change and how it effects you.

This presentation is free and open to the public, and appropriate for all ages.