Become An Expert Birder!

We are all looking for ways to contribute to the protection and conservation of our environment, and there is no better way then to become an eBird user! Join the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center educators and guest instructors for an introduction to this essential tool.


Let’s Talk Turtles!

Saturday, May 18th, the KPNC’s Science on Saturdays series presents Turtle Talk with Stan Arrington. Stan, biologist and naturalist at Auburn University’s Fisheries department, will take us on an adventure, exploring the incredible world of the most beloved of reptiles: turtles.

Alabama’s diverse geology and natural habitat has resulted in the state having more turtles species than any other! Visitors will get to see live turtles and children’s activities will be available.

Read more on our calendar!

Admission is $5 ($4 for members); children 3 and under are free. Cancelled in the event of rain.

Help Support Mental Health!

This Thursday, join the KPNC and Five Fifty Fifty for a casual 5K walk/run to support Mental Health issues and those suffering from them.


Race time is 6:30 PM.  Pickup your packets between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM.  This is a casual walk/run and will not be timed.  Everyone is welcome!  All participants will receive a high-quality shirt.  We recommend signing up in advance, however, event-day registration will be available.

Read more on our calendar!

Learn About Madagascar!

Monday, biology professor Dr. Debbie Folkerts is teaming up with Malagasy Fano Rajaonarisoa to bring Madagascar to Auburn!

In this lecture-style program, Dr. Folkerts, having recently visited Madagascar, will take attendees on a virtual tour of the island, showcasing some of the incredible diversity and talking about what makes this country so special; and Fano will teach visitors about his innovative new concepts in community-based ecotourism, its potential for helping conserve the precious diversity of Madagascar, and how it can drive new conservation initiatives and ideas for the economy of Alabama, the United States’ own biodiversity hotspot!

Don’t miss this fantastic presentation for all ages. This presentation is free! Donations are welcome.

Read more on our calendar!

S’more Fun With Mom

Join us for s’mores and so much more at S’more Fun With Mom, Lee County’s Mother/Son Adventure, coming up this Thursday and Friday from 6 to 8:30 PM!

Purchase Tickets Now

For boys aged 4 to 12 and their moms, this fun evening will include a night hike, cookout, storytelling, and of course s’mores! Our mother/son duos may visit a craft station to create their own keepsake art project. And a photographer will be available for professional photos.

S’more Fun with Mom will be offered two evenings; Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, 2019 from 6:00 – 8:30 PM. The cost is $30 per mother/son duo ($10 each for any additional children). Rain dates are May 9 and 10.

Woodland Wonders Nature Preschool

East Alabama’s first nature preschool is opening this August at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center!!

Registation opens April 25!

“Nature preschool” is an innovative educational strategy that allows your child to learn about, with, and through nature, embracing the great outdoors as their classroom.  Children spend their school time exploring and uncovering knowledge in an environment where curiosity and child-led discovery are encouraged. This incredible, cutting-edge, and revolutionary philosophy combines early-childhood education and environmental awareness on a new level.

Learn more on our Woodland Wonders website…


Changing Mental Health Care in America One Step at a Time

We are extremely excited to welcome the Five Fifty Fifty Run/Walk for Mental Health to the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center for their 2019 stop in Alabama.


Mental health is now the second-leading cause of disability in the United States. This is threatening the fabric of our society: families, productivity, longevity and more. The mission of the Five Fifty Fifty Run/Walk Series is to bring awareness to the issue of mental health and help those who are suffering know they are not alone. We need to speak up – with our voices, our legs, and our financial resources – to make the world a happier place for everyone. We hope you can join us on this journey.

Continue reading “5/50/50 RUN/WALK FOR MENTAL HEALTH”

Organic Gardening Workshop

Saturday, April 13

What’s the benefit of gardening organically? What does organic really mean? Where do I begin? Get these questions answered and much more with our Organic Gardening Workshop.


For ages 8 and up, this workshop will teach you how to garden in a way that is balanced with nature and good for the environment. We let you get your hands dirty and try some organic gardening techniques yourself! Expert instructors from the AU Organic Gardening Club and Lee County Master Gardeners will show you why this type of gardening is so important and how to get started at home.

Registration is $5 per person. We’ll meet at the North Parking Lot, off of Farmville Road (32°39’55.4″N 85°29’04.8″W) at 9:00 AM. Workshop runs until 11:00 AM.

Art Class Saturday!

No two things work more beautifully together than art and nature! Channel your creativity through nature by joining artist and art educator, Kristin Daniel, for a fun afternoon at the beautiful Kreher Preserve & Nature Center this Saturday from 4 to 6 PM.  Kristin will help you assemble a beautiful mixed media piece of art work on canvas.

Tickets are On Sale Now

You can learn more on our calendar page or by emailing Kristin!

Spring Bird Walk, March 23rd!

The Kreher Preserve & Nature Center welcomes the Birmingham Audubon Society on their spring birding field trip! Join birding experts Greg Harber and Linda Neighbors as they introduce you to the birds of the KPNC and lead guided walks through the forest to spot and listen for permanent avian residents as well as those migrating through. This is an excellent opportunity to witness all the new birding initiatives and installations at the KPNC, made possible by the donations to Tiger Giving Day 2019; and get expert advice on what you can do in your own backyard to attract birds and create excellent bird habitat!!

More details on our calendar page!

Northern Parula by Debbie McKenzie.