Please consider supporting our playground renovation project this Tiger Giving Day!
Watch our video HERE which explains more about this project.
Kreher Preserve & Nature Center
Where Leisure Meets Learning
Please consider supporting our playground renovation project this Tiger Giving Day!
Watch our video HERE which explains more about this project.
We invite you to join us this spring for our incredible programs, Forest Friends, Tree Tots, and Nature Explorers. Forest Friends and Tree Tots are both a part of our Nurtured in Nature series which appeal to our youngest explorers aged 1-5 years old. These caregiver and child classes will focus on New Beginnings in the Woods. Classes meet for 6 weeks beginning in mid-April. Our Nature Explorers classes are geared for homeschool families in the community and focus on different natural elements each session. Classes meet on the 2nd/4th Monday from March-May from 10:00-11:30am at the KPNC and include a hike. Register for classes HERE. Email us at with any questions.
February brings a lot of fun events and programs to the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center! We would love for you to come join us for one or all of these offerings! Tickets for each can be purchased on our Marketplace
Saturday, Feb 18 at 10:00am Science on Saturday’s BEARS with Dr. Todd Steury.
The black bear is the Alabama State mammal. And yet, the most recent estimates suggest that we may only have as many as 300 of these animals in the state. In this talk, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology Todd Steury will describe the almost 10 years of research his lab at Auburn University has done to understand why we don’t have more individuals of the species in the state. The presentation will include information on the techniques they have used to study bears, their research findings so far, and their plans for future research.
Monday, Feb 20th from 1:00-3:00 Family Art Fun: Drawing
We will be practicing our drawing skills and learning techniques through nature and natural elements. There will be guided instruction and then you will be given an opportunity to practice the skills we have learned with feedback. The class will include a 30-minute hike for inspiration.
Saturday, Feb 25th from 2:00-4:00pm Campfire Cooking: Desserts
Join this fun, casual cooking class that explores tips, tricks, and recipes for cooking over an open fire. Cyndi Czerkawski (In The Garden instructor) takes a farm-to-table approach to campfire cooking using fresh, local ingredients. Whether you are experienced or you are new to open fire techniques, you are bound to get something new out of this class, not to mention the great food!
In our second workshop, we will explore the sweeter side of campfire cooking with a concentration on desserts.
Saturday, February 4th (Soups and Snacks) and Saturday, February 25 (Desserts)
Join our resident chef, Cyndi Czerkawski, as she gives tips and tricks to how to cook a superb meal over the campfire. Both programs will be from 2:00-4:00pm, February 4th will focus on soups and snacks and February 25th will be desserts! Tickets are $20 per person and are available on our Marketplace. Meet at the main pavilion! More information here
Protecting biodiversity while sustaining agricultural production for a growing human population is one of the greatest challenges society faces. Navigating this clash of priorities is particularly difficult in tropical regions that tend to support a rich pool of native species but also high rates of human poverty. On January 28, Dr. Jonathon Valente, a federal scientist with the USGS and assistant professor at Auburn University, will discuss his research on the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia, one of the most biodiverse corners of the planet, but also home to millions of coffee farmers and their families. In collaboration with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Dr. Valente is studying how tropical birds use forests and coffee farms in the region. Through this work, he is helping to improve the Smithsonian’s Bird-Friendly Coffee certification program which promotes biodiversity and economic stability by rewarding farmers for using wildlife-friendly farming practices.
Tickets are $5 ($4 for members)
2023 is the 30th anniversary year for the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center, and we invite you to celebrate with us all year!!! We will be hosting anniversary events each season, along with a myriad of fun and exciting activities as we look back at the first 30 years of the KPNC, and as we look forward to what the next 30 years will bring!
Join our newsletter to keep up with all the fun!
And follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We will be posting every Monday and Thursday throughout the entire year, highlighting some of our favorite plants and animals at the KPNC, along with its natural history, human history, and the incredible programming and resources that the KPNC brings to our community.
We look forward to celebrating with you!!
Registration for the Winter Season of Forest Friends and Tree Tots is now open! The Winter season brings new discoveries in the winter woods. Sessions are $60 per six-week session ($48 for members). Classes meet weekly beginning January 19/22 (Tree Tots) and January 20/22 (Forest Friends). More information on our Nurtured in Nature programs can be found here. To register click here.
In the spirit of unity and peace, Auburn Area Community Theatre and the Kreher Preserve are bringing back our special December event for our broader Auburn/Opelika community to celebrate together.
Join our Nurtured in Nature Team for our Holiday Pop-Ups! The pop-ups start next week (Nov 10, 11, and 13) and are $12 per student per session. Registration can be done online . We hope to see you there!