The Kreher Presreve & Nature Center is an outreach extension administered by the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, which is lead by Dean Janaki Alavalapati.
The KPNC also receives leadership support from a volunteer-based advisory board representing a wide range of our community partners and supporters. This fantastic team helps tremendously with the vitality and fiscal sustainability of the KPNC as well as providing critical support for our operation. If you think you may be interested in serving the KPNC on the Advisory Board, please contact the current executive committee.
Kreher Preserve & Nature Center Advisory Board
Morgan Beadles, Curator, Davis Arboretum
Richard Brinker, Dean Emeritus, College Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
Deborah Brooks, Principle, St. Michael Catholic School; Former Principle, Pick Elementary School
Sarah Brown, Former Lee County Commissioner
Sara Hand Custer, Culture Arts Director, City of Auburn
Margaret Holler, Former KPNC Administrator, Avid Volunteer and Master Gardener
Emily Kling, Extension Specialist Emerita, Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Ross Morris, Lee County Commissioner
Gary Mullen, Professor of Entomology, Auburn University
Becky Richardson, Former Parks and Recreation Director, City of Auburn
Melody Russell, Professor of Science Education, Auburn University
Justin Sutton, Landscape Services Director, Auburn University