If you love the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center’s programs, events, and workshops, then become a program member today! Our program membership offers our loyal and dedicated patrons an easy and convenient way to keep up with our programming calendar and stay connected to everything the KPNC offers each year.
Do you want discounts on programs? How about early access to the workshops that sell out quickly? Program members get these benefits and much more!

Whether you have students in any of our schools; love coming to learn at our Science on Saturdays environmental education lectures; dig in the dirt with Cyndi in our gardening workshop series; send your little ones to our spring, summer, and fall camps; or take part in any of the other amazing programs we offer, program membership will boost your experience with the KPNC to the next level!

Program membership helps the KPNC sustain our full and exciting calendar of events. With your membership, you are helping to ensure we continue to be able to offer dynamic, interesting, educational, and diverse programs, events, workshops, and schools to you, your families, and families throughout the region. Program membership also helps the KPNC preserve and manage the 120 acres of forests, streams, and wildflowers, as well as the wildlife that call our preserve “home.”

As a program member, you will have access to members-only programs such as nature birthday parties, you will get discounts on facility rentals and program admissions, you will get early access to many of the programs that sell out, and you will be part of the KPNC family with a direct connection to our calendar. You also get discounts at participating museums and nature centers around the globe!
Become a member, upgrade, or renew your membership HERE. For questions, please email Michael Buckman at kpncmanager@auburn.edu or call (334) 707-7428.
To inquire about supporting the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center through a gift or donation, please visit this website or contact our Development office at (334) 844-1983.