Nature Playground Re-opens

After being closed for several weeks to help flatten the COVID-19 infection curve, we are following the lead of the city and re-opening the nature playground today. The CDC suggests that the risk of infection from playgrounds comes from kids playing in close proximity, rather than the playground equipment itself. For this reason, strict social distancing guidelines are still in place in our playground. Please use the resource wisely and carefully.

Vulture Vlog

We are excited to announce our new Vulture Vlog which documents a local Black Vulture nest from eggs to hatchlings. This series of videos is produced in collaboration with Lew Scharpf, a widely acclaimed photographer and nature enthusiast. The Black Vulture is a protected bird of prey which has a common presence in the southeast. Their nest site is typically found on the ground or in the hollow of the tree. Follow along on our Black Vulture journey through our Facebook posts or on Lew Scharpf’s YouTube channel,

Forest Friends and Tree Tots Programs Go Virtual

Our award winning preschool program, Forest Friends, together with our new addition, Tree Tots, are taking their spring session online! This spring’s theme is ‘Spring into Motion’ where each week, an animal movement will be explored starting with slithering and continuing with climbing, jumping, swimming, running, and flying. New videos are posted every Thursday on our Facebook site, @ForestFriends, for six weeks beginning April 9th and continuing through May 14th, 2020. This program is free for everyone… Come join us!!


You did it!

On Tiger Giving Day 2020, you were our heroes! You made our project not only a reality, but exceeded our project goal by over 25%! Because of you, our amazing, dedicated, and loyal patrons, we will be able to offer a new focus on water education to our community. You have given us the resources to build new features through which you will be able to emerge in the beauty and diversity of the Turtle Pond like never before!


Follow the progress of the project at the Tiger Giving Day page.

Orientation for Birding Volunteers

Become a birding volunteer at the KPNC! We need volunteers to help with all of our birding initiatives including cleaning and refilling bird feeders, monitoring nest boxes, assisting with birding workshops, and simply watching birds across the property. Orientations have been scheduled for 10:00 AM on Sat, Feb 8 and Sat, Feb 15 at the KPNC Pavilion. No pre-registration necessary – just show up and we’ll get you started with our birding volunteer program.