Registration is open for our Summer Camps!

 We are very excited to open up registration for our Summer Camp this year.  The camp’s theme will be ‘Unhuggables’ and will focus on those species that aren’t so cute and cuddly but have amazing and unique characteristics.  Campers will learn about and visit with lizards, snakes, frogs and turtles along with other ‘unhuggable’ species through nature crafts, games, activities, hikes, and more.  Camp lasts from 8:00am-12:00pm and includes a snack each day.  Registration is $110/student (KPNC Members) and available to children in grades 1st-7th (rising).  To register, go to ‘Purchase Tickets/Register’ on the KPNC Homepage.  For questions, email us at

There is a cancellation fee of $25. After March 1 there will be no refund.   

Registration for Nature Explorers begins Jan 15

This environmental education program designed for home-schooling families offers a unique educational experience for students and their parents. Classes will meet the 1st Monday of each month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. Sessions are scheduled for Monday, March 5, April 2, and May 7.  Topics for spring include: Tree ID, Orienteering and Geocaching, and Pollinators. The sessions will consist of approximately a 45 minute lesson and a 45 minute hike. Family membership to the Kreher Preserve at Magnolia level ($35) or above is required for registration. If not a current member, please join or renew your membership at before completing your registration. Registration is open until March 1 and is $15 for first child, $27 for two children, $40 for three children and $50 for four children. Children 3 and under are free.

Register Here

Registration begins Jan 22 for Spring Break Camp

The Kreher Preserve and Nature Center is excited to once again offer Spring Break Camps for the children in our community. There will be two Spring Break camps this year, one will be held on March 12, 13, and 14th and the second on March 19,20, 21st. Both camps will be from 8:00am-3:00pm for 1st-6th graders with the theme being, Nature Getaway. Registration for these events begins on January 22nd. Check our interactive calendar for more details.

Guided Nature Walks, Offered Monthly for Adults


Take an interpretive tour through the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center with a trained naturalist.  Nature Walks offer excellent opportunities to socialize and learn, while enjoying fresh air and exercise in our beautiful outdoors. If you are new to the area or uneasy venturing out on your own, this is a great way to safely explore the outdoors while learning about the plants, wildlife, and ecology of our area. Guided Nature Walks feature a different topic each month chosen from a variety of seasonal themes. 2016 themes include:

January – Warm for the Winter: This month we will teach you how animals stay warm for the winter, what they eat, where they sleep as we hike out looking for birds and mammals who stayed for the winter.

February – Watersheds: This month we will learn all about state watersheds, river basins and our own Saugahatchee watershed!

March – Invasive Plant: We will investigate plants that have snuck into Alabama from other countries and why they are so detrimental to our ecosystems. We will enjoy a hike looking and pulling up any of these bad invasive plants and planting some good native plants!

April – Earth Day: Enjoy a walk on our wonderful earth learning all about the history of Earth Day and ways to take care of our favorite planet!

May – Native Americans: Learn about the Native American tribes of Alabama and the Muscogees (upper Creeks) that once lived at the preserve.

June –  – No hike offered

July – Butterflies: Learn all about beautiful butterflies. Walk to our butterfly garden to observe butterflies in all stages of life cycle.

August – Carnivorous Plants: Learn all about the fascinating world of bogs and the incredibly adaptive plants that live there!

September – Honey Bees: This month learn all about these fascinating insects and taste some local honey- from our own hives. We will learn all about pollination and the waggle dance while out on our hike to see our bees.

October – Fall Foliage: Come and learn all about seasonal changes and the signs of fall!

November – White-tailed deer: Hikers will investigate the wonderful world of the white-tail deer.

December – Great Backyard Bird Count: We will teach you the common winter birds found in our part of the state, ways to attract birds to your yard, and bird watching tips. Learn about the Great Backyard Bird Count and become a citizen scientist to help researchers gain a clearer picture of bird populations with the data you gather in a fun activity the whole family can enjoy.

Walks are offered the second Thursday of each month from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. No pre-registration is required. Canceled in the event of rain. Hikes are free to the public. Donations are welcomed. All hikes are offered at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center located at 2222 N. College Street, Auburn. The nature center is located 3 miles north of Toomer’s Corner. Traveling from the south, the KPNC entrance is on the right, just north of the AU Fisheries complex.

Discovery Hikes, Families & Children Exploring Nature


Explore the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center and learn something new each month about plants, wildlife and nature with a trained naturalist who will offer your family fun opportunities for hands-on learning, exploration, and exercise! Guided Discovery Hikes feature a different topic each month chosen from a variety of seasonal themes. 2016 nature themes include:

January –Groundhogs 

February – Heart Healthy 

March –Geology 

April – Water Wonders

May – Bluebirds 

For families and other adults accompanying children. Walks are offered the second Thursday of each month from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. No pre-registration is required. Canceled in the event of rain. Hikes are free to the public. Donations are welcomed. All hikes are offered at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center located at 2222 N. College Street, Auburn. The nature center is located 3 miles north of Toomer’s Corner. Traveling from the south, the KPNC entrance is on the right, just north of the AU Fisheries complex.