School’s Out(side)

Do your students need a break from remote instruction and want some face-to-face interaction that is safe and fun (and educational)? The KPNC has come up with a way to help.

Students have the opportunity to connect to their peers and the outdoor world through our new program, School’s Out(side). This program is geared to our friends enrolled in remote learning through the school system. Classes meet for 2 ½ hours each Friday.


Is it safe?

Being entirely outside, the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center offers an inherently safer place to learn. The outdoor environment has moving air, sunlight, and many other factors that interfere with the spread of COVID-19. In addition, tested safety procedures such as wearing masks under certain conditions, social distancing, and regular hand sanitizing reduces the risk of COVID transmission as much as possible.

School’s Out(side) will allow children to safely socialize and learn together with their peers. Activities will be designed to allow proper social distancing between students; and masks will be required by everyone whenever 6 feet of separation cannot be maintained.

The class will also offer hands-on lessons that, if possible, will coincide with the lessons from the students’ remote class(es). All hands-on lessons will minimize or eliminate shared resources and sanitizer will be provided and used often. In addition, temperature and symptoms/risks will be checked upon drop off.

Though we are doing everything possible to reduce risk, no one can guarantee a completely risk-free environment.

How does it work?

School’s Out(side) will meet on Fridays for 2.5 hours (150 minutes). Classes are currently scheduled from 12:30 to 3:00 PM.

School’s Out(side) will be offered on a per-semester basis, with the spring semester dates being Feb 19 through May 7 (excluding Mar 12 and Apr 16, as they are Auburn City School holidays). Enrollment is $125 per student for the semester. A discount of $12 per student is available for siblings living in the same household.