Science on Saturdays: Raptors


Raptors are birds of prey with sharp beaks and powerful talons!  At this program, representatives from Auburn University’s Southeastern Raptor Center will visit the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center to show you some of these incredible birds, up-close and in-person.  The program will include a variety of live raptors, most native to Alabama, and you learn all about their habitat, natural history, and the challenges facing these majestic creatures.  Children’s activities will be available.

The Southeastern Raptor Center rehabilitates hundreds of injured, ill, and orphaned raptors annually.  The Center also houses a number of raptors that are non-releasable including those that will be present at the program.

This is a one-hour, lecture-style program that will provide the opportunity to see and interact with live animals. Admission is $5 ($4 for members); children 3 and under are free. Cancelled in the event of rain.

This program will be held at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center.  The Nature Center is located at 2222 N. College Street near the AU Fisheries and Hwy 280.  For more information, visit, email, or call 334-844-8091.