The Kreher Preserve & Nature Center is a community-supported outreach program of the Auburn University College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment. Private contributions support programming, facility improvements, and necessary maintenance of trails, gardens, and other natural features. With the help of its members, donors, and volunteers, the Kreher Preserve continues to grow into a first-class discovery and nature center with exciting programs serving thousands of area children, individuals, and families.
You can support the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center by attending a program with friends and family, sharing your experiences with others, becoming a member, or donating a gift of your choosing. Of course, no public organization can survive without volunteers, and the Nature Center is no exception. Volunteers and docents may choose to serve in any number of capacities, including as guides and program leaders, groundskeepers and gardeners, as administrative support, or by assisting with fundraising and public relations initiatives. Whatever your unique talent or skill, if you enjoy nature and wish to support the mission of the preserve, your time is appreciated.
To inquire about making a donation to the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center or becoming a sponsor, visit our donations page or contact Michael Buckman, KPNC Manager, at (334) 707-7428 or buckmmd@auburn.edu.